Description: Must have a “forgot password” link. I think it’s best if the system sends the registered email a one time link which will allow the recipient to reset the password.
Description: Phone number validation isn’t right. Field isn’t big enough to use dashes, spaces, or other punctuation like Ext or X. Also, international numbers won’t fit.
Support Notes: NOT BILLABLE
Not fixed. Tested 2022-02-27. See attached video.
26-March-2022(Dev): Fixed
JFS: Confirmed resolved. Must tell shareholder testers to clear cache before testing.
Description: Change default list length for users to 10. Add 25, 50, and 100 quantities to; and remove 20 from; the list length drop down. The “Items per page” drop-down should have 5, 10, 25, 50, & 100.
Description: Validation needs to be cleaned up.
Example, enter an email address that is already in the system and click update and it simply closes the page – no error messages are put in place. Additionally, if you change the email address it is ignored. Same with User ID. These should either be locked or display an error message if invalid.
Support Notes: Email and username fields disabled those should not be editable as these fields are unique for all accounts and key to login.